Herbal Apothecary Tropical Body Balm 60 ml

270.00 EGP

Tropical Body Balm , 60 m Body Balm ( Tropical,) : If you have sensitive skin, you will want to opt for something fragrance- and dye-free like this body balm .It has a super thick and buttery texture and protects skin for up to 24 hours after application. It uses natural oils like shea, Coco butter, vitamin E oil and Sweet Almond oil, to help hydrate and restore your skin barrier to help firm the skin, Reduce the appearance of wrinkle lines or blemishes, Soothe the skin and relieve irritation. إذا كانت بشرتك حساسة ، سترغب في اختيار شيء خالٍ من العطور والصبغة مثل بلسم الجسم هذا ، فهو يتميز بقوام كثيف ومليء بالزبد ويحمي البشرة لمدة تصل إلى 24 ساعة بعد التطبيق. يستخدم الزيوت الطبيعية مثل زبدة الشيا وزبدة الكاكاو وزيت فيتامين E وزيت اللوز الحلو ، للمساعدة في ترطيب واستعادة حاجز البشرة للمساعدة في تماسك البشرة وتقليل ظهور خطوط التجاعيد أو الشوائب وتهدئة البشرة وتخفيف التهيج. Body balms are products that help lock in moisture while also giving your skin the nutrients it needs to glow and be healthy. Body balm is great for taking on the go, especially if you struggle with dry skin. Plus, you can free up space in your bag and not worry about a bulky bottle of lotion that could leak, Body balm is great for taking on the go, especially if you struggle with dry skin. Plus, you can free up space in your bag and not worry about a bulky bottle of lotion that could leak. Body balm is also a step up from traditional lotion — it provides more intense hydration and moisture with a more concentrated formula. Unlike creams and lotions, Balms are water-free! Enabling them to tackle dry skincare conditions such as dermatitis and eczema more effectively by locking in moisture, softening, repairing and nourishing dry skin. Easing discomfort and providing relief from dry skin, our Balm Natural all our Balms are water-free, formulated to help moisturise, soften, repair and nourish dry skin


Tropical Body Balm , 60 m Body Balm ( Tropical,) : If you have sensitive skin, you will want to opt for something fragrance- and dye-free like this body balm .It has a super thick and buttery texture and protects skin for up to 24 hours after application. It uses natural oils like shea, Coco butter, vitamin E oil and Sweet Almond oil, to help hydrate and restore your skin barrier to help firm the skin, Reduce the appearance of wrinkle lines or blemishes, Soothe the skin and relieve irritation. إذا كانت بشرتك حساسة ، سترغب في اختيار شيء خالٍ من العطور والصبغة مثل بلسم الجسم هذا ، فهو يتميز بقوام كثيف ومليء بالزبد ويحمي البشرة لمدة تصل إلى 24 ساعة بعد التطبيق. يستخدم الزيوت الطبيعية مثل زبدة الشيا وزبدة الكاكاو وزيت فيتامين E وزيت اللوز الحلو ، للمساعدة في ترطيب واستعادة حاجز البشرة للمساعدة في تماسك البشرة وتقليل ظهور خطوط التجاعيد أو الشوائب وتهدئة البشرة وتخفيف التهيج. Body balms are products that help lock in moisture while also giving your skin the nutrients it needs to glow and be healthy. Body balm is great for taking on the go, especially if you struggle with dry skin. Plus, you can free up space in your bag and not worry about a bulky bottle of lotion that could leak, Body balm is great for taking on the go, especially if you struggle with dry skin. Plus, you can free up space in your bag and not worry about a bulky bottle of lotion that could leak. Body balm is also a step up from traditional lotion — it provides more intense hydration and moisture with a more concentrated formula. Unlike creams and lotions, Balms are water-free! Enabling them to tackle dry skincare conditions such as dermatitis and eczema more effectively by locking in moisture, softening, repairing and nourishing dry skin. Easing discomfort and providing relief from dry skin, our Balm Natural all our Balms are water-free, formulated to help moisturise, soften, repair and nourish dry skin


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