Pure Rose Water With Pearl Powder . • Helps prevent and treat infections. • Contains antioxidants. • Heals wounds, scars and burns. • Improves mood. • Relieves headaches. One of the greatest benefits of rose water is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help treat multiple ailments, both internal and external. It may even help soothe irritationTrusted Source for eczema or rosacea. Rose water has powerful antiseptic properties that can prevent and treat infections,Pearl powder softens and tightens the skin. Accelerates the skin regeneration process. Pearl powder stimulates collagen production. Treats acne and skin blemishes. Pearl powder slows down aging. Reduces wrinkles, and prevents sagging of the skin. Repairs skin damage and sun damage. Pearl powder reduces freckles and dark spots.
ماء الورد النقي مع مسحوق اللؤلؤ. • يساعد على منع وعلاج الالتهابات. • يحتوي على مضادات الأكسدة. • يداوي الجروح والندبات والحروق. • يحسن المزاج. • يخفف الصداع. واحدة من أعظم فوائد ماء الورد هي خصائصه القوية المضادة للالتهابات. يمكن أن تساعد هذه الخصائص في علاج أمراض متعددة داخلية وخارجية. قد يساعد أيضًا في تهدئة الالتهاب. يحتوي ماء الورد على خصائص مطهرة قوية يمكن أن تمنع الالتهابات وتعالجها ، كما أن مسحوق اللؤلؤ ينعم ويشد الجلد. يسرع عملية تجديد الجلد. مسحوق اللؤلؤ يحفز إنتاج الكولاجين. يعالج حب الشباب والبقع الجلدية. مسحوق اللؤلؤ يبطئ الشيخوخة. يقلل التجاعيد ، ويمنع ترهل الجلد. يصلح تلف الجلد وأضرار أشعة الشمس. يقلل مسحوق اللؤلؤ النمش والبقع الداكنة.
Herbal Apothecary Rose Water 150ml
190.00 EGP
Reduces skin redness. • Helps prevent and treat infections. • Contains antioxidants. • Heals wounds, scars and burns. • Improves mood. • Relieves headaches. One of the greatest benefits of rose water is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help treat multiple ailments, both internal and external. It may even help soothe irritationTrusted Source for eczema or rosacea. Rose water has powerful antiseptic properties that can prevent and treat infections. For this reason, rose water is often included in a variety of natural and medicinal remedies. Rose petals and rose oil contain a number of powerful antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage, and rose water is often found in beauty products intended to reduce wrinkles. This is because it may actually have anti-aging effects. In addition to soothing irritated skin, it may reduce the appearance of wrinkles when used topically Benefits of pearl powder for skin Pearl powder softens and tightens the skin. Accelerates the skin regeneration process. Pearl powder stimulates collagen production. Treats acne and skin blemishes. Pearl powder slows down aging. Reduces wrinkles, and prevents sagging of the skin. Repairs skin damage and sun damage. Pearl powder reduces freckles and dark spots.
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